Secure data for satisfied customers
The collection of accurate data is as essential as it ever was, and sensors and tools must be precisely calibrated to gather that crucial data. GESIPA explains how it solves this challenge for its customers…
Measurements are only as reliable as the measuring instruments with which they are carried out. For this reason, mandatory checks of measuring devices make sense since only calibrated measuring devices provide correct data. Correct data, in turn, ensures safety in production and customer confidence. With the newly developed GESIPA calibration device GDC2025, these exact requirements are met. By means of highly accurate setting force and stroke sensors the calibration device can prove that process-monitored riveting tools have been calibrated according to national calibration standards. This guarantees secure data analysis and storage and therefore also faultless products and satisfied customers. Operators of GESIPA tools such as FireFox C, FireRex C, Taurus C WinTech, iBird® Pro C and eRexC now have the option of carrying out calibrations directly on their premises. This significantly reduces the time required for recurring calibrations as the devices no longer have to be sent in. A qualified, certified training session for future users is included in the sales price. Of course, GESIPA service technicians can also carry out the calibration on site, if required.